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18 Sep 2021

The New Evolution Diet


这看着有点像地摊文学的套路,如果不是相信 taleb 的品味,我估计也不会去仔细读和实践。

作者对tail risk理解深刻,统计学功夫很扎实。




肉、鱼和蛋:这将包括几乎所有的肉。我的研究表明,每天每公斤体重需要摄入 1.5 克蛋白质。这意味着每餐约 75 至 100 克肉或鱼,或每天高达 425 克。如果感觉太多,您可以通过服用支链氨基酸来减少肉类和鱼类的费用,支链氨基酸是一种膳食补充剂,每汤匙可提供约 15 克蛋白质。这就是蛋白质如此重要的原因:您的大脑会感知您的身体需要多少蛋白质,并提示您继续进食,直到满足您的需要。这就是为什么缺乏蛋白质的饮食会导致肥胖的原因——你的大脑会一直告诉你要多吃。


Vegetables: Choose colourful, low-starch vegetables such as spinach, cauliflower, celery, broccoli, asparagus, aubergines, greens (iceberg lettuce is not very green), etc.

Meat, fish and eggs: This would include virtually all flesh. My research suggests you need to eat 1.5g of protein per kilogram of body weight daily. That comes to about 75 to 100g of meat or fish in each meal, or up to 425g per day. If that feels like too much, you can reduce your meat and fish bills by taking branched chain amino acids, a dietary supplement that provides about 15g of protein per tablespoon. Here’s why protein is so important: Your brain senses how much of it your body requires and prompts you to keep eating until you fulfil that need. This is why a diet lacking protein leads to obesity – your brain will always be telling you to eat more food.

Organic, grass-fed beef, lamb and pork are preferable, as are free-range chicken, turkey and other poultry. Red meat is fine, in moderation, but birds are healthier. Game, if you can find it, is very good and low in fat (healthy meat tends to be expensive). Wild fish, especially salmon, is also good, but all fish are OK. Shellfish is fine, too – I eat a lot of crabs and clams, as did our prehistoric ancestors (if you’re allergic, of course, you must avoid them). You should try to eat roughly equal amounts of meat and fish.

坚果:这些包括杏仁、核桃和山核桃等。它们不包括腰果,生吃是有毒的; “生”腰果实际上是经过加工的,虽然没有经过烘烤,但碳水化合物含量很高。你也不应该吃花生,它实际上是豆类,而不是坚果。也要远离种子,因为它们富含毒素和抗营养物质。


好油:这有点用词不当,因为事实是没有脂肪特别有益。我知道橄榄油被描述为一种健康食品,事实上它是我唯一吃的油。我在沙拉中使用它,并且在烹饪中少量使用它,主要是为了它赋予的味道。但它对改善您的健康并没有太大作用,只是它不如人们使用的所有其他油那么糟糕。请记住,即使在最近的 100 年前,我们也根本不食用油。如果你确实用橄榄油烹饪,千万不要让它变得太热而冒烟——如果它达到那个温度,它就会被氧化,并且正在形成自由基。 除此之外,我在不吃鱼的日子里服用 omega-3 鱼油补充剂。有时我什至会服用一粒鱼肝油胶囊。但所有其他常见的厨房油——油菜、蔬菜、玉米、棕榈——都是不必要的。到现在为止,大多数人都知道要避免使用任何氢化油或含有它们的产品(例如人造黄油),因为它们含有反式脂肪,对我们的身体来说是完全陌生的,而且是有害的。

Nuts: These include almonds, walnuts and pecans, among others. They do not include cashews, which are toxic to eat raw; ‘raw’ cashews are actually processed, though not roasted, and are high in carbohydrates. Neither should you eat peanuts, which are actually legumes, not nuts. Stay away from seeds, too, which are loaded with toxins and anti- nutrients. Fruit: Fresh fruits only, no juices. Take care in your portions, as some modern fruits are bred to contain extra sugar. Melons are great; watermelon is excellent since it contains the antioxidant glutathione and its precursors. It may also elevate testosterone, to the benefit of males and females.

Good oils: This is somewhat of a misnomer, because the truth is that no fat is particularly beneficial. I know that olive oil has been described as a healthy food, and in fact it is the only oil I eat. I use it on salads and, in very small quantities, in cooking, mainly for the flavour it imparts. But it doesn’t really do much to improve your health, except that it is less bad than all the other oils people use. Remember, we consumed no oils at all even as recently as 100 years ago. If you do cook with olive oil, never allow it to get so hot that it smokes – if it reaches that temperature, it is being oxidised, and free radicals are being formed.

Beyond that, I take an omega-3 fish-oil supplement on days when I don’t eat fish. Sometimes I will even take a cod- liver oil capsule. But all the other common kitchen oils – rape, vegetable, corn, palm – are unnecessary. By now most people know to avoid any hydrogenated oils, or products that contain them (such as margarine), because they contain trans fats, which are completely alien to our bodies and harmful.


我在博客上收到的许多问题都是以‘为什么我不能吃东西’开头的。 . . ?’以下是最常见的:谷物:哦,是的——食品标准局非常重视的主食。简单地说,我们的身体在基因上并不适合加工谷物。它们可能导致过敏反应、高胰岛素水平(2 型糖尿病在过去三十年中翻了一番,因为英国人遵循 FSA 的高碳水化合物、低脂肪咒语)、肥胖和消化系统疾病。顺便说一下,甜玉米是一种谷物,而不是蔬菜。


Many of the questions I get on my blog begin, ‘Why can’t I eat . . . ?’ Here are the most common ones: Grains: Oh, yes – that dietary staple that the Food Standards Agency esteems so highly. Simply stated, our bodies are not genetically adapted to processing grains. They can result in allergic reactions, high insulin levels (type-2 diabetes has doubled in the last thirty years, as Brits have followed the high-carb, low-fat mantra of the FSA), obesity and digestive disorders. By the way, sweetcorn is a grain, not a vegetable.

Another strong reason for giving up grains is that they contain lectins, a group of plant proteins. After insulin, the most powerful hormone that regulates appetite, energy metabolism and reproduction is leptin. The leptin gene is highly conserved across different species; it is thought to have evolved in primates some four to seven million years ago. As with insulin, you can develop leptin resistance, which is itself a cause of obesity. Lectins are to blame for this (don’t be confused by the similar names) and they are particularly abundant in plant and grain seeds.

鉴于面包在圣经中获得了崇高的公关,很难将其妖魔化。 请记住,您的基因在圣经时代之前的几千年就诞生了,因此不会被打动。 面包是最终的贫困食品——它的存在只是因为谷物便宜、易于种植并且比其他食品不易腐烂。 现在,在马蹄和冷藏的驯化蛋白质时代,面包已经不再有用。 它是一种劣质食物,在健康饮食中没有地位。 用面粉(意大利面、烘焙食品)或其他谷物(大米、大麦、玉米)。 这对食草动物没问题,但对我们人类则不然。吃全谷物比精制谷物略健康,但不如干脆完全放弃。

Given the exalted PR that bread gets in the Bible, it’s hard to demonise it. Just remember that your genes were born many millennia before the biblical era and therefore remain unimpressed. Bread is the ultimate poverty food – it exists only because grain is cheap, easy to grow and is less perishable than other foods. Now, in the age of domesticated protein on the hoof and refrigeration, bread has outlived its usefulness. It is an inferior food that has no place in a healthy diet. The same is true of anything made with flour (pasta, baked goods) or other grains (rice, barley,corn). It’s fine for herbivorous animals, but not for us humans.

Eating whole grains is slightly healthier than the refined variety, but it’s not as good as simply giving them up altogether.

乳制品:我们是唯一一种成年后喝牛奶并消耗另一种生物的牛奶的动物。在断奶之前,人类在遗传上适应母乳,这是应该的。此外,商业牛奶含有过量的生长因子,如牛生长激素和 IGF-1(类胰岛素生长因子),因为与您不同,小牛必须快速生长。乳制品的加工会产生有害的反式脂肪。






Dairy: We are the only animal that drinks milk into adulthood and consumes another creature’s milk. Humans are genetically adapted to mother’s milk until weaning, and that is as far as it should go. Also, commercial cow’s milk contains excess growth factors such as bovine growth hormone and IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) as calves, unlike you, have to grow a lot in a hurry. The processing of milk products creates harmful trans fats.

Some dairy in small amounts is acceptable (like unsweetened yogurt or cheese for flavouring). Starchy foods: This includes potatoes, which are not vegetables, technically speaking, but tubers – plant forms that specialise in storing energy. It also includes most root vegetables, such as yams, sweet potatoes, parsnips, water chestnuts, turnips and radishes (although some raw carrots or beetroots in moderation are OK). It definitely includes crisps. Oils and fats: This includes most oils (except for olive), butter and lard, of course. You’ll get plenty of fats from the animal protein you eat.

Certain fruits: Bananas or any dried fruit, as they contain too much sugar.

Salt: I will concede that salt is essential and not a toxin. But the level at which we currently consume it is extravagant; daily intake is over 8 grams, whereas it was less than 0.7 grams during the Palaeolithic period. While normal kidneys might be able to handle this overload, many people now develop hypertension because of a defect in their ability to clear that much sodium.


某些植物性食物:不知何故,我们都接受了地球上生长的任何东西都必须吃得健康的想法。虽然大多数水果和蔬菜确实对我们有益,应该成为我们饮食的主要组成部分,但也有一些植物会促进肥胖并使我们生病。植物并不希望我们吃它们。他们并不真正关心您是否身体健康。 应避免食用大豆(包括酱油、豆腐和其他由大豆制成的产品,以及日本餐馆的主食毛豆),因为它们富含凝集素和雌激素。在自然状态下,大豆不可食用。它必须经过大量加工才能去除毒素。大豆也是湿疹和皮炎的原因。

您还应该注意不要过度食用花生,花生是豆类,而不是坚果。它们含有已知的最致癌的毒素之一——黄曲霉毒素。花生过敏偶尔会致命,但一些大豆过敏也会致命。花生、大豆和豆类不耐症往往是 联系。我只适量吃鹰嘴豆、扁豆和青豆。有些人消化它们有困难,小扁豆的碳水化合物含量很高。



在我们这个时代,过量的谷物摄入、过多的咖啡和软饮料中的磷酸似乎是最终导致骨量减少的因素。所有这些都会引起身体通过使用骨钙作为抗酸剂来缓冲的酸性条件。你可以看出 NED 是由相对低碳水化合物的哲学指导的,尽管不如阿特金斯饮食那么多。


How about coconut oil and coconut products? 椰子制品能吃么?

I wouldn’t do it. First of all, it’s an evolutionary non-sequitur. It doesn’t follow. You would not be seeing large amounts of coconut consumption in the Paleolithic. It’s just odd, first of all. It’s kind of a fad, second of all. Who knows who are the manufacturers of these things. There’s all kinds of impurities that are involved. It doesn’t taste good either. Modern meat has got so much fat in it already, why would you ever need to have any additional source of fat? Even olive oil, I’m sparing with.



Today is a gym day for me. I’d like you to come along.I visit here anywhere between once and four times a week. It depends completely on how I feel. If I worked out hard last time, I may need two or three days off to recover. It also varies because I want to keep my workouts a little random and unplanned. Too much regimentation in exercise is a bad thing, regardless of what you’ve been led to believe.

今天对我来说是健身日。 我希望你能来。我每周去这里一到四次。 这完全取决于我的感受。 如果我上次锻炼很努力,我可能需要休息两三天才能恢复。 它也有所不同,因为我想让我的锻炼有点随机和无计划。 不管你被引导相信什么,在运动中过多的控制都是一件坏事。

I spend as little time as possible working out, usually no more than half an hour or so. That’s all anybody needs. I also keep my visits to a minimum to avoid boredom. There are nicer places to be and finer things to do with your life than hang around gyms. It’s possible to exercise too much.

我尽可能少花时间锻炼,通常不超过半小时左右。 这就是任何人都需要的。 我也尽量减少访问,以免无聊。 有比在健身房闲逛更美好的地方和更美好的生活。 锻炼过度是可能的。

Here’s another good reason to keep your workouts short: the physical stress causes the release of adrenaline, which mobilises fat for burning. But if the exertion goes on too long, the body will release another stress hormone, cortisol, which we don’t want, at least not now (it will be released, moderately, later on to help heal the exhausted muscles). This all makes perfect evolutionary sense, since stresses 40,000 years ago tended to be of the short-term ‘fight or flight’ variety, where adrenaline was essential.

这是保持锻炼时间较短的另一个很好的理由:身体压力会导致肾上腺素的释放,从而调动脂肪进行燃烧。 但是,如果劳累时间过长,身体会释放另一种压力荷尔蒙皮质醇,这是我们不想要的,至少现在不会(它会适度释放,以帮助恢复疲惫的肌肉)。 这一切都具有完美的进化意义,因为 40,000 年前的压力往往是短期的“战斗或逃跑”类型,其中肾上腺素是必不可少的。

I’m here in the morning, not long after I’ve wakened, for the simple reason that a workout is more effective if done on an empty stomach. You burn more fat this way. Maybe I’ll have a cup of coffee first, since the caffeine starts the adrenaline flowing, increases heart rate, and mobilises fat for burning. But nothing more.

我早上醒来后不久就来了,原因很简单,如果空腹锻炼会更有效。 这样你会燃烧更多的脂肪。 也许我会先喝杯咖啡,因为咖啡因会启动肾上腺素流动,增加心率,并动员脂肪燃烧。 但仅此而已。

Professor James Timmons, of Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, tested the effect of what he termed ‘high-intensity interval training’ on the metabolisms of sedentary male volunteers. He said, ‘The risk of developing cardiovascular disease and type-2 diabetes is substantially reduced through regular physical activity. Unfortunately, many people feel they simply don’t have the time to follow current exercise guidelines. What we have found is that doing a few intense muscle exercises, each lasting only about thirty seconds, dramatically improves your metabolism in just two weeks.’

爱丁堡赫瑞瓦特大学的 James Timmons 教授测试了他所谓的“高强度间歇训练”对久坐不动的男性志愿者新陈代谢的影响。他说:“通过定期进行体育锻炼,患心血管疾病和 2 型糖尿病的风险大大降低。 不幸的是,许多人觉得他们根本没有时间遵循当前的锻炼指南。 我们发现,做一些剧烈的肌肉运动,每次只持续大约 30 秒,在短短两周内就能显着提高你的新陈代谢。

First thing I do at the gym is head for a stationary bike. You need to warm up your heart before the real work begins.You don’t want to start your day with a heart attack. The second goal here is to warm up everything else, too – to increase my core temperature. When I do that, the pituitary gland responds by releasing growth hormone. That event is vital to a successful workout: the hormone mobilises fat to burn for the rest of my session, and even beyond.

我在健身房做的第一件事就是去骑固定自行车。 在真正的工作开始之前,你需要让你的心暖和起来。你不想以心脏病发作开始新的一天。 这里的第二个目标也是加热其他一切——提高我的核心温度。 当我这样做时,脑垂体会通过释放生长激素做出反应。 该事件对于成功的锻炼至关重要:激素动员脂肪在我剩余的训练中燃烧,甚至更长。

Unlike most people here, however, I won’t be on the bike for long – just six minutes total, which is enough time to break a sweat and get a good burn going, if you ride as I do. First, I’ll pedal with low resistance at a fast sprint. After one minute of that, I turn the resistance up to the maximum possible, and ride just as hard as I can for the next sixty seconds. I repeat that pattern twice more – a minute of sprinting at low resistance, followed by one that feels as though I am riding through peanut butter. During that sixth minute, I do my best to max out the meter that measures watts of energy expended. Then I’m done.

然而,与这里的大多数人不同,我不会长时间骑自行车 —— 总共只有六分钟,如果你像我一样骑车,这足以让你大汗淋漓并好好燃烧。 首先,我会在快速冲刺时以低阻力踩踏板。 一分钟后,我将阻力调到最大,并在接下来的 60 秒内尽可能用力骑行。 我又重复了两次这个模式——一分钟的低阻力冲刺,然后是一个感觉就像我在花生酱中骑行一样。 在第 6 分钟,我尽我最大的努力使测量消耗的能量瓦数的仪表达到最大。 然后我就完成了。

Professor Timmons’s research actually showed that doing just seven minutes per week on a stationary bike, riding intensely as I do, can make significant improvements in your ability to metabolise glucose. It’s the intensity that counts, not the duration.

蒂蒙斯教授的研究实际上表明,每周只骑 7 分钟固定自行车,像我一样剧烈骑行,可以显着提高你代谢葡萄糖的能力。 重要的是强度,而不是持续时间。






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