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24 Sep 2021

Token Engineering Case Studies:Analysis of Bitcoin, Design of Ocean Protocol

Case Study: Analysis of Bitcoin


其目标函数为: 最大限度地提高其网络的安全性。


它的区块奖励功能通过向提高网络计算能力的人提供区块奖励代币 (BTC) 来体现,我们可以写出目标函数(奖励函数)的公式,如下图所示。



等式的右侧与左侧成正比 (α),是参与者i的计算能力(哈希率)与每个区块T分配的代币数量的乘积。

后者的价值目前是每十分钟 12.5 BTC。该奖励每四年减半。



  • 它不需要跟踪每个用户贡献了多少。因此较低的计算和较低的带宽。
  • 它不需要在每个时间间隔向每个用户发送 BTC。因此交易更少,带宽更低。效率调整!
  • 由于不需要前两个,系统可以简单得多,因此可以最大限度地减少攻击面。因此更简单,更安全。


Case Study: Design of Ocean Protocol

当我们于 2017 年 5 月开始为Ocean Protocol进行认真的代币设计时,我们发现自己在挣扎。我们没有制定目标(目标和约束),而只是着眼于像去中心化市场这样的现成解决方案。但随后我们问:这对数据共享有何帮助?它没有。这需要自己的令牌吗?它不需要。

When we first started doing serious token design for Ocean Protocol in May 2017, we found ourselves struggling. We hadn’t formulated the goals (objectives and constraints) and instead were simply looking at plug-and-play patterns like decentralized marketplaces. But then we asked: how does this help the data commons? It didn’t. Does this need its own token? It didn’t. And there were other issues.


So, we took a step back and gave ourselves the goal of writing proper objectives and constraints. Then, things started to go smoother. With those goals written down, we tried other plug-and-play patterns (solvers). We found new issues that the goals didn’t reflect, so we updated the goals. We kept looping in this iterative process. It didn’t take long before we’d exhausted existing plug-and-play patterns, so we had to design our own; and we iterated on those.


After doing this for a while, we realized that we had been applying the optimizer design approach to token design! That is: formulate the problem, try using existing patterns; and if needed then develop your own. So while this blog post lays out the token design process as a fait accompli, in reality we discovered it as we were doing it. We’ve actually used this methodology for other token designs since, to help out friends in their projects.

Ocean Problem Formulation

目标函数是关于让人们做事,所以,我们必须首先确定这些人是谁。我们必须定义可能的利益相关者或代理。下表概述了 Ocean 令牌动态的关键。

Recall that the objective function is about getting people to do stuff. So, we must first decide who those people are. We must define the possible stakeholders or system agents. The following table outlines the key ones for Ocean token dynamics.




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